An Associate Professor at the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria- Dr. Ruth Abiola Adimula has led a study on efficient management of internally displaced persons (IDP) camps along with a co-author, Prof. Olugbenga Mokuolu in the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health University of Ilorin. In their research titled “Leadership Effectiveness in the Care of Internally Displaced Persons and Camps in Africa”, published in an International Journal- Open Journal of Leadership, the Scholars formulated a four-phase structural management theory, describing the stages of displacement as “After-shock”. “Stabilisation”, “Empowerment” & “Re-integration”, each with its peculiarities. The study made recommendations on how the government and other relevant stakeholders can apply this structural theory for efficient management of displaced persons and camps. Dr. Adimula is a Lawyer and a Peace Scholar with bias in Gender, Refugees and IDPs management. She is a Fellow of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice.
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